Friday, October 21, 2016

Internet Innovations
"The internet Changes the World"

Beyond Meat

(a) Describe the innovation- There are websites that make it easy for you to buy items without the hassle of getting up and going out. Perfect for lazy people. One new innovation I found interesting is Beyond Meat. This is a plant protein rather than animal based protein. This is to prevent harmful actions towards animals. They created meat from plants. This will be very beneficial to human health. 

(b) Who will it impact- This will impact the world! This innovation is already a big thing! Humans will be healthier, animals will be safe, and it will prevent so much waste from hurting our only Earth. 

(c) What problems will it solve- This will solve a number of problems, but to name a few; this will benefit the lives of humans. It is way healthier than actual meat. This will also help poor defenseless animals. This will also be beneficial to the environment because when you hurt these animals waste is being disposed in our area. This is toxic to our health. If we eliminate most animal consumption then the would would be happier and cleaner.

(d) What do you think of this innovation- I love this innovation! It is a great way to help the planet, and it will help save so many lives. I feel this is so great because it will help animals. I definitely will try this!!! This is super beneficially and I know it will also benefit my health. 

(e) Picture- Image result for beyond meat

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Ben Carson

(a) What was the excellence achieved? - Benjamin Solomon is a retired neurosurgeon. He graduated from Yale University. One of his greatest accomplishments was separating Siamese twins. What seemed to have been nearly impossible, he managed to achieve this. 

Image result for ben carson(b) How was this achieved? - Already being a great surgeon, he was determined to help these poor girls. These twins were born joined at the back of the head. It was hard to figure out a way to separate them and still have them be independent after the procedure. 

(c) How technology could have impacted this arete experience. -Technology has a lot to do with this, he needed to do research and needed to study for several days to finally try. The girls lives were in his hands; he wanted to help them and separate them so that they could live a happy, independent life.

(d) Add a picture 

(e) Reflection - This is a great achievement and must have been so hard to figure out how to do the procedure. In order to do this, you must have a kind heart and determination. Since he is a strong believer in God, he used this to motivate him. I want to also take into account peoples emotions, and really help others the way he did. He is a good man who has a very kind heart and helped two poor girls with separating them. He is a strong believer in education and feels that reading and educating yourself is key. It is best to always put God first. I feel that I will put God first, I will be determined and motivate myself to always be the best I can. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Computer Science Innovation
Oculus Rift

(a) Describe the Innovation- This innovation makes game play a reality. Allowing its users to wear it and feel as though they are actually in the game. This great innovation senses head movement so when you wear it, you experience game play at its finest. 

(b)Who will it impact?- This will impact everyone who is into video games. This can even influence some to get into game play. I feel that this is something I would like to experience. This will allow gamer's to experience games as if they are in the world of the game. 

(c)What problems will it solve?- For years people who love playing games this is a big step, many users will enjoy this and have a better experience while playing video games. I for one would love to try this and experience game play at its finest. 

(d) What do you think about this innovation?- I think this was a great invention because now that they have make game play close to reality, creators will see this and would want to accomplish more. This will be the start of something bigger. 

(e)Image result for what year did the oculus rift come out

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Computer Science Innovation 
Foldable Helmet
(a) Describe the innovation- This new innovation insures a better way of being safe while riding a bike! There is a new and improved helmet for easy storage. This helmet will not only keep you safe, but will allow you to have better storage. 

(b) Who will it impact- This will impact bike riders everywhere and make it more convenient. This can be used in the cases of organizations and events.

(c) What Problems will it solve- This will solve problems when it comes to storage. This new innovation allows you to fold your helmet and carry it around with no problem. This will help everyone and make things more convenient. 

(d) What do you think about this innovation- I think this is great and I would get it so that carrying wouldn't be a problem. Since it folds and my grandpa and I love to go bike riding, I would love to buy this!

(e) Add a picture of this innovation-

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What is the Internet Giveaway?

Image result for internet world wide webObama wanted to give the internet to Russia and China. Republicans agreed they wanted to give the IP addresses and internet away. This is not a good move because now the internet lacks security and this is a danger. Now the internet is for the whole world. I feel we were good the way we were because now that other nations share the same internet we will not have the internet to ourselves. The government is saying there is no dramatic change to our internet so far.