Wednesday, September 14, 2016

                                 Blown To Bits 
                            Chapter 3

    Giuliana Sgrena was a Italian journalist she was held hostage for a month and was released on march 4, 2005. She was hold captive, one of the Italian agents named Nicola Calipari helped her release case. After her release a huge dispute ensured why U.S soldiers shot innocent allies from the Iraq war in a car, the soldiers claim that the car was speeding and did not slow down after being warned by the soldiers the Italians denied both claims the U.S made. The U.S made a 45 page report on what happened the day of the incident. The report enraged the Italian officials right after the Italians right after released their report about what happened and their version differed the U.S in  crucial detail. The programs they used are advanced in today's society. The report used a software that created PDF files and included a "Highlighter Tool".

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